ASDL is a leader in the area of systems design, architecting, and optimization and is the largest lab of its kind in the world. It is widely recognized for graduate education and research in systems engineering and vehicle design.

Our Past

History of ASDL

ASDL was created in 1992 in response to feedback from companies that universities produced scientists, not engineers. The lab was formed to help support the industrial need for large-scale systems integration. Started with a handful of students, the lab has grown to be an entity of over 300 individuals, composed of approximately 50 research faculty and 250 students organized into six divisions.
Our Vision

The ASDL Vision

Develop the next generation of highly qualified engineers for academia, industry, and government
Develop cutting edge multi-disciplinary, physics-based methods suitable for the design of all types of complex systems and systems of systems
Provide independent and credible assessment capabilities using integrated, quantifiable methodologies to government, and industry
Recent research focuses on combining ASDL’s signature methods with advances in computing to enable large-scale virtual experimentation for complex systems design

Since its foundation in 1992, ASDL has:

1,285 Graduates

1,009 M.S. Degrees

276 Ph.D. Degrees

$300M+ in Sponsored Research

425+ Studies for Both Government and Industry Sponsors

200+ Journal Papers and 870+ Conference Papers