Ameya R. Behere
Dr. Ameya Behere is a Research Engineer within the School of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology within ASDL’s Civil Aviation Research Division. In his current role, Dr. Behere works on several research projects in the domain of sustainable aviation. He is the technical lead for several research projects under the FAA’s ASCENT Center of Excellence. These include research efforts to improve the modeling and simulation capabilities of the Aviation Environmental Design Tool using advanced data analytic and machine learning techniques such as clustering, model order reduction, and surrogate modeling. Dr. Behere is a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). His broad research interest is in using advanced modeling, analytics, and optimization techniques to support sustainable aviation research.
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Aerospace Engineering, 2022, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
- Master of Science (M.S.), Computational Science & Engineering, 2021, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
- Master of Science (M.S.), Aerospace Engineering, 2021, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
- Master of Technology (M.Tech.), Aerospace Engineering, 2016, Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai - India
- Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.), Aerospace Engineering, 2016, Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai - India
Present Research
ASCENT Project 54 - AEDT Evaluation and Development Support
- Role: Technical Lead/Contributor
- Project overview: Project 54 builds on the prior research by the Georgia Institute of Technology (GT) on ASCENT 45 and ASCENT 36. First, accurate modeling of aircraft performance is a key factor in estimating aircraft noise, emissions, and fuel burn. Within the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT), many assumptions are made for aircraft performance modeling with respect to aircraft weight and departure procedure, coupled with aircraft departure typically being modeled by assuming that full rated takeoff power/thrust is used. As operations around airports continue to evolve, there is a need to examine those assumptions and to improve the modeling accuracy with flight data. In recent years, flight data are increasingly being used to enhance models and bring model estimation even closer to reality. Research is needed to build on prior work with a view to develop a robust set of recommendations for improved estimation processes for takeoff weight, reduced thrust takeoffs, and departure profiles within AEDT. Second, the verification and validation applied in this project comprehensively assesses the accuracy, functionality, and capabilities of AEDT during the development process.
ASCENT Project 43 - Noise Power Distance Re-Evaluation
- Role: Technical Contributor
- Project overview: Development of a methodology, based on regression modeling, for the inclusion of configuration related noise effects in AEDT. The standard technique for evaluating fleet noise is to estimate flight procedure source noise using noise power distance (NPD) curves. Noise calculations within the Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) rely on NPD curves provided by aircraft manufacturers. This dataset reflects representative aircraft categories at set power levels and aircraft configurations. The current NPD model does not consider the aircraft configuration (e.g., flap settings and gear deployment). These factors are important, as the noise characteristics of an aircraft depend on thrust, aircraft speed, and airframe configuration, among other contributing factors such as ambient conditions. The outcome of this research is an approach based on the suggested NPD + configuration (NPD+C) format, which will enable more accurate noise predictions due to its inclusion of aircraft configuration and speed changes.
ASCENT Project 60 - Analytical Methods for Expanding the AEDT Aircraft Fleet Database
- Role: Technical Contributor
- Project overview: The goal of this research is to improve the accuracy of Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) noise and emissions modeling of aircraft types not currently in the Aircraft Noise and Performance (ANP) database. First, aircraft types that are not currently modeled in AEDT were identified and reviewed. Various statistical analysis methods are being used to classify the aircraft into different types in terms of size, age, technologies, and other engine/airframe parameters. Then appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods are being developed for each aircraft type to develop the ANP performance and noise data.
Journal Papers
- Z. Gao, S. I. Kampezidou, A. Behere, T. G. Puranik, D. Rajaram, D. N. Mavris, Multi-level aircraft feature representation and selection for aviation environmental impact analysis, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, October 2022, Volume 143, 103824, Link to PDF
- A. Behere, D. N. Mavris, Optimization of Takeoff Departure Procedures for Airport Noise Mitigation, Transportation Research Record, April 2021, Volume 2675, Issue 9, Link to PDF
- Z. Gao, A. Behere, Y. Li, D. Lim, M. Kirby, D. N. Mavris, Development and Analysis of Improved Departure Modeling for Aviation Environmental Impact Assessment, Journal of Aircraft, March 2021, Volume 58, Number 4, Link to PDF
- A. Behere, D. Rajaram, T. G. Puranik, M. Kirby, D. N. Mavris, Reduced Order Modeling Methods for Aviation Noise Estimation, Sustainability, January 2021, 13(3), 1120, Link to PDF
Conference Papers
- A. Behere, M. Kirby, D. N. Mavris, Relative Importance of Parameters in Departure Procedure Design for LTO Noise, Emission, and Fuel Burn Minimization, AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum, 3916, Chicago, IL, June 27-July 1, 2022, Link to PDF
- M. Geissbuhler, A. Behere, D. Rajaram, M. Kirby, D. N. Mavris, Improving Airport-level Noise Modeling by Accounting for Aircraft Configuration-related Noise at Arrival, AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 1650, San Diego, CA, January 3-7, 2022, Link to PDF
- A. Behere, T. Puranik, M. Kirby, D. N. Mavris, Parametric optimization of aircraft arrival trajectories for aviation noise mitigation using BADA4 performance model, INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, InterNoise21, Washington, D.C., USA, pages 3944-4918, pp. 4641-4651(11), Link to PDF
- A. Behere, J. Bhanpato, T. G. Puranik, M. Kirby, D. N. Mavris, Data-driven approach to environmental impact assessment of real-world operations, AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 0008, Virtual Event, January 11-15 & 19-21, 2021, Link to PDF
- A. Behere, L. Isakson, T. G. Puranik, Y. Li, M. Kirby, D. N. Mavris, Aircraft landing and takeoff operations clustering for efficient environmental impact assessment, AIAA Aviation 2020 Forum, 2583, Virtual Event, June 15-19, 2020, Link to PDF
- D. Lim, A. Behere, Y. C. D. Jin, Y. Li, M. Kirby, Z. Gao, D. N. Mavris, Improved noise abatement departure procedure modeling for aviation environmental impact assessment, AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1730, Orlando, FL, January 6-10, 2020, Link to PDF
- A. Behere, D. Lim, Y. Li, Y. C. D. Jin, Z. Gao, M. Kirby, D. N. Mavris, Sensitivity Analysis of Airport level Environmental Impacts to Aircraft thrust, weight, and departure procedures, AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1731, Orlando, FL, January 6-10, 2020, Link to PDF
- M. V. Bendarkar, A. Behere, S. I. Briceno, D. N. Mavris, A Bayesian Safety Assessment Methodology for Novel Aircraft Architectures and Technologies using Continuous FHA, AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, 3123, Dallas, TX, June 17-21, 2019, Link to PDF
- A. Behere, D. Lim, M. Kirby, D. N. Mavris, Alternate Departure Procedures for Takeoff Noise Mitigation at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 2090, San Diego, CA, January 7-11, 2019, Link to PDF
- A. Behere, A Reduced Order Modeling Methodology for the Parametric Estimation and Optimization of Aviation Noise, Ph.D. Thesis, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, August 2022
- A. Behere, Air and High Speed Rail Transport: Competition and Integration, Dual Degree Project, Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Mumbai, India, July 2016
- Airport Cooperative Research Program Graduate Research Award, 2018-19
- FAA PEGASAS Center of Excellence Summer Experience Fellow, 2018
- J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship for the higher education of Indians (2016)
- Student Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)