Jirat Bhanpato
Research Engineer I
Civil Aviation Research Division
Mr. Jirat Bhanpato is a Research Engineer at the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL) within the School of Aerospace Engineering. His research interest centers around the development and implementation of data-driven techniques to improve aviation safety and sustainability. This includes applications of simulations and machine learning models in commercial aviation operations such as flight safety risk assessment and quantification, aircraft operational procedures optimization, and aviation noise and emissions predictions. Jirat also has experience in various roles supporting technical and flight operations within the airline industry.
- Master of Science, Aerospace Engineering, 2019, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
- Bachelor of Science, Aerospace Engineering, 2018, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
Current Research
Quantitative Approach to Holistic Flight Safety Analysis (Sponsor: Delta Air Lines)
- Role: Technical Lead
- Project overview: Formulation of robust optimization method to identify flight procedures for an ideal approach and landing under various operating conditions.
Adopting a NAS-wide Safety Risk Model using NLP/ML (Sponsor: FAA)
- Role: Technical Contributor
- Project overview: Development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to extract safety risks from aviation accident/incident narratives for the FAA’s Integrated Safety Assessment Model (ISAM), enabling safety risk quantification of the National Airspace System (NAS).
ASCENT Project 54 - AEDT Evaluation and Development Support (Sponsor: FAA)
- Role: Technical Contributor
- Project overview: Development of recommendations based on real-world data for aircraft performance modeling assumptions within AEDT to improve aircraft noise, emissions, and fuel burn estimations.
ASCENT Project 62 - Noise Model Validation for AEDT (Sponsor: FAA)
- Role: Technical Contributor
- Project overview: Assessment of AEDT noise estimation capability under various modeling assumptions as compared to real-world measurements.
ASCENT Project 64 - Alternative Design Configurations to Meet Future Demand (Sponsor: FAA)
- Role: Contributor
- Project overview: Development and evaluation of fleet level performance, noise, and emissions modeling capability for advanced concepts aircraft.
Past Research
Flight Safety Precursors Identification (Sponsor: Delta Air Lines)
- Role: Technical Lead
- Project overview: Machine learning framework to identify safety event precursors from fusion of flight data and pilot reports to support risk mitigations.
Hyperloop Transportation System Design Environment (Sponsor: POSCO)
- Role: Contributor
- Project overview: Design environment to assess technology feasibility and economic viability for a new mode of transportation.
Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Operations & Sustainment (Sponsor: Lockheed Martin)
- Role: Contributor
- Project overview: Decision-making environment to quantify impacts of operational change and technology improvement on mission effectiveness of a mixed fleet of military transport aircraft in presence of uncertainties.
Hybrid Electric Aircraft Thermal Management Architecture Solutions via MBSE (Sponsor: AFRL)
- Role: Contributor
- Project overview: Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) framework to generate and analyze thermal management system architectures for electric aircraft which can be traced and verified against vehicle level requirements.
Journal Papers
- H. Peng, J. Bhanpato, A. Behere, and D. N. Mavris, A Rapid Surrogate Model for Estimating Aviation Noise Impact Across Various Departure Profiles and Operating Conditions, Aerospace 2023, 10, 627. Link to PDF
Conference Papers
- J. Bhanpato, A. Behere, and D.N. Mavris, Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Model Order Reduction of Aviation Noise Metrics, AIAA 2023-4061. AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, San Diego, CA, June 12-16, 2023. Link to PDF
- J. Bhanpato, A. Behere, M. Kirby, and D.N. Mavris, Takeoff Ground Roll Analysis of Real-World Operations for Improved Noise Modeling, AIAA 2023-0795. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum. National Harbor, MD, January 23-27, 2023. Link to PDF
- M.V. Bendarkar, J. Bhanpato, T. G. Puranik, M. Kirby, and D.N. Mavris, Comparative Assessment of AEDT Noise Modeling Assumptions Using Real-World Data, AIAA 2022-3917. AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum. Chicago, IL, June 27-July 1, 2022, AIAA 2022-3917, Link to PDF
- J. Bhanpato, T. G. Puranik, and D. N. Mavris. Data-Driven Analysis of Departure Procedures for Aviation Noise Mitigation, Engineering Proceedings 13, no. 1: 2. OpenSky Symposium 2021. Brussels, Belgium, November 18-19, 2021. Link to PDF
- A. Behere, J. Bhanpato, T. G. Puranik, M. Kirby, and D. N. Mavris, Data-driven approach to environmental impact assessment of real-world operations, AIAA 2021-0008. AIAA SCITECH 2021 Forum. Virtual Event, January 11-15 & 19-21, 2021. Link to PDF
- Young Professional Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)