Dr. Jonathan Gladin is a Senior Research Engineer at the Aerospace Systems Design Lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D degree in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Tech. He has worked as a research engineer at ASDL since 2015 and is the division chief for the propulsion and energy group. His work is heavily focused in the area of advanced propulsion systems design and analysis, with a focus on advanced cycles, electrified aircraft, propulsion airframe integration, zero emissions aircraft, hydrogen aircraft, and sustainable aviation. He has a long history in conducting research in the area of aircraft electrification and specifically the idea of the hybrid electric turbofan engine. He has been involved with many NASA funded projects related to the conceptual design and benefits assessment of various advanced concepts and technologies. Recently his portfolio has expanded to include two recently funded university initiatives to research zero emission aircraft concepts.

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Aerospace Engineering, 2015, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
  • Master of Science, Aerospace Engineering, 2011, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
  • Bachelor of Science Aerospace Engineering, 2006, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA

Hybrid Electric Technology Collector Development and N+3 Technology Portfolio Modeling (Sponsor: NASA)

  • Role: Technical Lead
  • Project overview: Development of the GT-HEAT program, which is now recognized as a leading hybrid electric turbofan research tool. Study conducted to determine benefit of parallel hybrid electric propulsion systems from an energy use, fuel burn, and CO2 emissions perspective on a variety of aircraft sizes and technology levels. Results disseminated by both Georgia Tech and NASA representatives at various AIAA conferences.

Reliability and Safety Assessment of Urban Air Mobility Concept Vehicles (Sponsor: NASA)

  • Role: Co-PI
  • Project overview: Development of a methodology to determine the dynamic reliability of urban air mobility concept vehicles and comparison of a variety of powertrain architectures for each concept vehicle.

Parametric Noise Modeling for Boundary Layer Ingesting Propulsion Systems (Sponsor: FAA ASCENT)

  • Role: Co-Investigator
  • Project overview: Development of a method to quantify the noise impact of boundary layer ingestion on a tail-cone thruster configuration using high fidelity computational aero-acoustics.

System Analysis for the Electrified Propulsion Flight Demonstration Program

  • Role: Co-PI
  • Project overview: Development of a method of analyzing “mild” hybrid electric propulsion systems, including electric taxi, takeoff and climb boost, electric power transfer, and sub-systems optimization. Methods applied to 4 different classes of vehicles in the turbofan (jet) and turboprop market categories. This analysis supports quantification of the benefits of the technologies being developed under the EPFD program flight demos.

Far Term Technology Dashboard Development to Support the AATT Project

  • Role: Co-Investigator
  • Project overview: Development of an all encompassing dashboard to represent the impact of NASA mid term and far term technologies. Models of each class of vehicle and particular technologies were developed along with functionality to compute the performance of a given aircraft and technology subset utilizing surrogate modeling capabilities.

Electrified Propulsion Concept Study (Sponsor: NASA/Boeing)

  • Role: Co-Investigator
  • Project overview: Designed a truss-braced wing with electrical tail-cone thruster using the GT-HEAT design and analysis toolset.

Advanced Vehicle Design and Assessment NASA NRA Phase III Support

  • Role: Technical Lead
  • Project overview: Conducted a study to support the Rolls Royce Electrically variable engine program. Used GT-HEAT to determine the benefit of a hybrid propulsion system on a truss braced regional aircraft.

Impact of Thrust Vectoring on a Commercial Aircraft (Sponsor: United Technologies)

  • Role: Technical Lead
  • Project overview: Development of a methodology to quantify the benefits and impacts of thrust vectoring on a commercial transport. The project looked at various configurations including reduced vertical and horizontal tail sizes, tail-less configurations, and canards while also utilizing thrust vectoring based on the latest and best engine technology.

Technologies for Hybrid/Electric Distributed Propulion Tactical Transport

  • Role: Co-PI
  • Project overview: Developed a design of a turbo-electric distributed propulsion tactical transport utilizing high power electrical generators and distribution technology. Vehicle results were synthesized using the PACElab program and custom NPSS and aerodynamic models were implemented to determine the benefit of the aero-propulsive interactions and the propulsion system design.

Integrated Zero Emissions Aircraft Using a Robust Hybrid Architecture (Sponsor: FSU/NASA ULI)

  • Role: Co-PI
  • Project overview: Development and optimization of a blended wing body zero emissions aircraft with a turbo-electric fuel cell hybrid architecture and liquid hydrogen fuel system.

Liquid Ammonia Powered Super Critical CO2 Engine Cycle for Zero Emissions Aviation (Sponsor: UCF/NASA ULI)

  • Role: Co-PI
  • Project overview: Development and optimization of several liquid ammonia aircraft in the single aisle category utilizing a super-critical CO2 bottoming engine cycle for improved efficiency.

Book Chapters

  1. Gladin, J., Hybrid Electric Aircraft Propulsion Chapter 9: Performance Assessment of Hybrid – and All – Electric Aircraft , Cambridge University Press (2020). (Publication Pending). Note: Dr. Gladin was one of several authors that contributed a chapter to the book.

Conference Papers

  1. Gladin, J., Harish, A., and Mavris, D., Multi-Mission Performance Optimization of a Hybrid-Electric Unmanned Aerial Vehicle NATO STO-MP-AVT-323, 2019.
  2. Pokhrel, M., Gladin, J., Garcia, E., and Mavris, D. N., A Methodology for Quantifying Distortion Impacts Using a Modified Parallel Compressor Theory, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2018.
  3. Gladin, J., Kestner, B.K., Schutte, J., and Mavris, D. N., Engine Design Strategy for Boundary Layer Ingesting Propulsion System with Multiple Non-Symmetric Engine Inlet Conditions, Proc. Of ASME Turbo Expo, GT2013-95905, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2013.
  4. Kestner, B. K., Schutte, J., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D. N., Ultra High Bypass Ratio Engine Sizing and Cycle Selection Study for a Subsonic Commercial Aircraft in the N+2 Timeframe, Proc. of ASME Turbo Expo, GT2011-45370, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2011.
  5. Cinar, G., Markov, A., Gladin, J., Garcia, E., Mavris, D. N., Patnaik, S., Feasibility Assessments of a Hybrid Turboelectric High Altitude Long Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, 2020
  6. Martinez, U., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D. N., “Feasibility Assessment of Electric Tow Plane Concepts”, AIAA Aviation Forum, 2020
  7. Pokhrel, M., Gladin, J., Denney, R., and Mavris, D. N., An Approach for Fan Stage Conceptual Design with Non-Axisymmetric Stators in Presence of Distortion, AIAA Aviation Forum, 2020
  8. Van Zwieten, A., Cinar, G., Garcia, E., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D. N., Transient Surrogate Modeling for Thermal Maagement Systems, AIAA Scitech Forum, 2020
  9. Shi, M., Cai, Y., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D. N., A Multi-Design Point Sizing Methodology for Environmental Control Systems, AIAA Scitech Forum, 2020
  10. Harish, A., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D.N., Framework for Design Space Exploration of Novel Propulsion System Architectures, AIAA Scitech Forum, 2020
  11. Trawick, D., Milios, K., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D. N., A Method for Determining Optimal Power Management Schedules for Hybrid Electric Airplanes, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, 2019
  12. Brucculeri, J., Nunez, L., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D.N., Power Management Optimization for Off-Design Performance Assessment of Ducted Electric Fan with Boundary Layer Ingestion, AIAA Aviation Forum, 2019
  13. Manish, P., Shi, M., Ahuja, J., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D.N., Conceptual Design of a BLI Propulsor Capturing Aero-Propulsive Coupling and Distortion Impacts, AIAA Scitech Forum, 2019.
  14. Shi, M., Pokhrel, M., Gladin, J., Garcia, E., and Mavris, D.N., Modeling Fidelity Requirements of Mission-Level Analysis on Boundary Layer Ingestion Propulsion System, AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 2019.
  15. Pokhrel, M., Shi, M., Ahuja, J., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D.N., Conceptual Design of a BLI Propulsor Capturing Aero-Propulsive Coupling and Distortion Impacts, AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 2019.
  16. Gladin, J., Trawick, D., Mavris, D.N., Armstrong, M.J., Bevis, D., and Klein, K., Fundamentals of Parallel Hybrid Turbofan Mission Analysis with Application to the Electrically Variable Engine, 2018 AIAA/IEEE Electric Aircraft Technologies Symposium, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, 2018.
  17. Shi, M., Pokhrel, M., Gladin, J., Garcia, E., and Mavris, D.N., Model Fidelity Requirements in Boundary Layer Ingestion Propulsion System Conceptual Design, 2018 Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, 2018.
  18. Harish, A., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D.N., Architecture Evaluation of a Single-aisle Turboelectric Aircraft with One Engine Inoperative Considerations, 2018 Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, 2018.
  19. Shi, M., Milios, K., Gladin, J., and Dimitri N. Mavris. System-Level Study of Different Super/Turbocharger Architectures for Rotorcraft Diesel Engine, 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, 2018.
  20. Shi, M., Pokhrel, M., Gladin, J., Garcia, E., Mavris, D. N., Convergent Nozzle Gross Thrust Coefficient and Discharge Coefficient Calculation with Boundary Layer Ingestion Distortion, in AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2017.
  21. Gladin, J., C. Perullo, J. Tai and D. N. Mavris, A Parametric Study of Hybrid Electric Gas Turbine Propulsion as a Function of Aircraft Size Class and Technology Level, in AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition , 2017.
  22. Gladin, J., Trawick, D., Perullo, C., Tai, J., and Mavris, D.N., Modeling and Design of a Partially Electric Distributed Aircraft Propulsion System with GT-HEAT, in AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, 2017.
  23. Pokhrel, M., Gladin, J. C., Ali, K., Collins, K., and Mavris, D. N., Modeling and Requirements Definition for a Hybrid-Electric Powered Helicopter, Proc. Of AHS Sustainability 2015, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  24. Denney, R., Gladin, J., Tai, J., and Mavris, D.N., Propulsion Systems Modeling with Vehicle Sketch Pad, Proceedings of the 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Grapevine, TX, 2013.
  25. Sands, J., Gladin, J., Kestner, B., and Mavris, D. N., Effects of Boundary Layer Ingesting (BLI) Propulsion Systems on Engine Cycle Selection and HWB Vehicle Sizing, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Nashville, TN, 2011.
  26. Sands, J. S., Gladin, J. C., Kestner, B. K., Mavris, D. N., 2012, Hybrid Wing Body Engine Cycle Design Exploration for Boundary Layer Ingesting (BLI) Propulsion Systems Under Design Uncertainty, Proceedings of the 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA, Atlanta, GA. Turbo Expo Paper.


  1. Milios, K., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D.N., Electrified propulsion modeling environment: Theory manual, Boeing Commercial Aircraft, Contract No. 1704711 , 2019, (47).
  2. Perullo, C., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D.N., Advanced Vehicle Design and Assessment NASA NRA Phase III Support, NASA/Rolls-Royce, Contract No. NNC14CA29C, 2019.
  3. Lawson, E., Mugica, E., Cline, H.C., Klein, K., and Gladin, J., NASA Advanced Air Transport Technology (AATT) Project, NASA Contract NNC17CA16C, 2018.
  4. Gladin, J., Milios, K., and Shi, M., Numerical Rotorcraft Propulsion System Simulation of Compression Ignition Engines, U.S. Army Contract No. W911W6-11-2-0010 Task no. 16, 2017 (49). Wrote 10% of the report. Responsible for the final report.
  5. Pokhrel, M., Gladin, J., Garcia, E., and Mavris, D. N., “Investigation of Approaches for Modeling Rotorcraft Dynamics and Boundary Layer Ingestion Phenomena: Final Report,” Safran, Task Order No. 8, 2017 (30).
  6. Tai, J., Gladin, J., and Mavris, D.N., “Final Report: Multi-Design Point Enhancing Elements,” Boeing Commercial Aircraft, Contract No. 663724, 2016 (28).
  7. Gladin, J., Ali, K., Collins, K., and Mavris, D.N., “Conceptual Modeling of Electric and Hybrid-Electric Propulsion for UAS Applications,” U.S. Army, Contract No. W911W6-11-2-0010 Task no. 12., 2015 (57).


  1. O. J. Pinon, A Methodology for the Valuation and Selection of Adaptable Technology Portfolios and its Application to Small and Medium Airports, Ph.D. Thesis, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, March 2012
  2. O. J. Pinon, Characterization of the Dynamical Environment on the Surface of Asteroid 433 Eros Using a Polyhedron Shape Model, Individual Research Project, ISU Library, August 2006
  3. O. J. Pinon, Using Discrete-Event Simulation to Study the Influence of Log Yard Sorting on Sawmill Processing Efficiency of Small-Diameter Timber, Masters Thesis, Department of Wood Science & Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, May 2005


  • Senior Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
  • Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)