Dr. David Solano is a Research Engineer within the School of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a member of ASDL’s Advanced Configurations Division. Dr. Solano’s research focuses on structures and dynamic aeroelasticity, data-driven reduced-order modeling, and simulation. His current research focuses on model-based approaches for aircraft mass estimations and the feasibility of using reduced-order models for the estimation of stress in structures.

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Aerospace Engineering, 2023, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
  • Master of Science, Aerospace Engineering, 2017, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
  • Bachelor of Science, Aerospace Engineering, 2014, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS - USA

Journal Papers

  1. David Solano, and Darshan Sarojini, and Dushhyanth Rajaram, and Dimitri Mavris, “Adjoint-based analysis and optimization of beam-like structures subjected to dynamic loads”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Journal, Year 2021, Volume 158, Number 3141, Pages 596-606, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2012.2200887

Conference Papers

  1. Solano, Sarojini, Corman, Mavris, “Computationally Efficient Analysis and Sizing of the PEGASUS and Truss-Braced Wing Structures Subjected to Dynamic Loads”, AIAA Aviation 2023
  2. Solano, Sarojini, Corman, Mavris, “Parametric Wingbox Structural Weight Estimation of the CRM, PEGASUS and Truss-Braced Wing Concepts”, AIAA Aviation 2022
  3. Solano, Sarojini, Mavris, “Structural Layout Design Space Exploration and Structural Sizing of Aircraft Wingbox”, AIAA SciTech 2022
  4. Solano, Sarojini, Corman, Mavris, “Parametric Structural Weight Estimation for the PEGASUS Concept Considering Dynamic Aeroelastic Effects”, SciTech 2021
  5. Solano, Sarojini, Corman, Mavris, “Structural Sizing of Unconventional Aircraft under Static and Dynamic Aeroelastic Loading”, SciTech 2020
  6. Sarojini, Rajaram, Solano, et al. “Adjoint-Based Structural Optimization for Beam-Like Structures Subjected to Dynamic Loads”, SciTech 2020
  7. Sarojini, Duca, Solano, Imon, et al. “Framework to Assess Effects of Structural Flexibility on Dynamic Loads Developed in Maneuvering Aircraft” AIAA Aviation 2018
  8. Lewe, Duncan, Solano, et al. “A Comprehensive Energy Monitoring Environment for District Energy Grid Systems”, 5th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference 2017
  9. Libby, Solano, Sidelak, et al. “Cost-Capability Analysis of UAS Family and Flexible Factory Design” AIAA Aviation 2017
  10. Solano, Lewe, Sewhan, et al. “A Building Thermal Demand Model for a District Energy System” 4th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference 2016


  1. Solano, H. D. (2023). A Flexible Methodology for Analysis and Optimization of Unconventional Wing Structural Geometries Using a Computationally Efficient Aeroelastic Model (Doctoral dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology).

  • Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)