David Solano Sarmiento
Research Engineer II
Advanced Configurations Division
Dr. David Solano is a Research Engineer within the School of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a member of ASDL’s Advanced Configurations Division. Dr. Solano’s research focuses on structures and dynamic aeroelasticity, data-driven reduced-order modeling, and simulation. His current research focuses on model-based approaches for aircraft mass estimations and the feasibility of using reduced-order models for the estimation of stress in structures.
- Doctor of Philosophy, Aerospace Engineering, 2023, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
- Master of Science, Aerospace Engineering, 2017, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
- Bachelor of Science, Aerospace Engineering, 2014, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS - USA
Journal Papers
- David Solano, and Darshan Sarojini, and Dushhyanth Rajaram, and Dimitri Mavris, “Adjoint-based analysis and optimization of beam-like structures subjected to dynamic loads”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Journal, Year 2021, Volume 158, Number 3141, Pages 596-606, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2012.2200887
Conference Papers
- Solano, Sarojini, Corman, Mavris, “Computationally Efficient Analysis and Sizing of the PEGASUS and Truss-Braced Wing Structures Subjected to Dynamic Loads”, AIAA Aviation 2023
- Solano, Sarojini, Corman, Mavris, “Parametric Wingbox Structural Weight Estimation of the CRM, PEGASUS and Truss-Braced Wing Concepts”, AIAA Aviation 2022
- Solano, Sarojini, Mavris, “Structural Layout Design Space Exploration and Structural Sizing of Aircraft Wingbox”, AIAA SciTech 2022
- Solano, Sarojini, Corman, Mavris, “Parametric Structural Weight Estimation for the PEGASUS Concept Considering Dynamic Aeroelastic Effects”, SciTech 2021
- Solano, Sarojini, Corman, Mavris, “Structural Sizing of Unconventional Aircraft under Static and Dynamic Aeroelastic Loading”, SciTech 2020
- Sarojini, Rajaram, Solano, et al. “Adjoint-Based Structural Optimization for Beam-Like Structures Subjected to Dynamic Loads”, SciTech 2020
- Sarojini, Duca, Solano, Imon, et al. “Framework to Assess Effects of Structural Flexibility on Dynamic Loads Developed in Maneuvering Aircraft” AIAA Aviation 2018
- Lewe, Duncan, Solano, et al. “A Comprehensive Energy Monitoring Environment for District Energy Grid Systems”, 5th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference 2017
- Libby, Solano, Sidelak, et al. “Cost-Capability Analysis of UAS Family and Flexible Factory Design” AIAA Aviation 2017
- Solano, Lewe, Sewhan, et al. “A Building Thermal Demand Model for a District Energy System” 4th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference 2016
- Solano, H. D. (2023). A Flexible Methodology for Analysis and Optimization of Unconventional Wing Structural Geometries Using a Computationally Efficient Aeroelastic Model (Doctoral dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology).
- Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)