Dr. Tristan Sarton du Jonchay is a Post Doctoral Fellow within the School of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a member of ASDL’s Digital Engineering Division. His research focuses on space logistics and In-Space Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing (ISAM).

  • Master of Science, Operations Research, 2023, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Aerospace Engineering, 2022, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
  • Master of Science, Aerospace Engineering, 2017, Univeristy of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL - USA
  • Bachelor of Science, Aeronautical Engineering, 2017, ISAE, Toulouse, France

Journal Papers

  1. T. Sarton du Jonchay, H. Chen, M. Isaji, Y. Shimane, and K. Ho, “On-Orbit Servicing Optimization Framework with High- and Low-Thurst Propulsion Tradeoff,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 33-48, 2022.
  2. T. Sarton du Jonchay, H. Chen, O. Gunasekara, and K. Ho, “Framework for Modeling and Optimization of On-Orbit Servicing Operations under Demand Uncertainties,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 1157-1173.
  3. H. Chen, T. Sarton du Jonchay, L. Hou, and K. Ho, “Multi-Fidelity Space Mission Planning and Infrastructure Design Framework for Space Resource logistics,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 538-551, 2021.
  4. K. Ho, H. Wang, P. DeTrempe, T. Sarton du Jonchay, and K. Tomita, “Semi-Analytical Model for Design and Analysis of On-Orbit Servicing Architecture” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 57, No. 6, pp. 1129-1138, 2020.
  5. T. Sarton du Jonchay, H. Chen, A. Wieger, Z. Szajnfarber, and K. Ho, “Space Architecture Design for Commercial Suitability: A Case Study in In-Situ Resource Utilization Systems,” Acta Astronautica, Vol. 175, pp. 45-50, 2020.
  6. H. Chen, T. Sarton du Jonchay, L. Hou, and K. Ho, “Integrated In-Situ Resource Utilization System Design and Logistics for Mars Exploration,” Acta Astronautica, Vol. 170, pp. 80-92, 2020.
  7. T. Sarton du Jonchay and K. Ho, “Quantification of the Responsiveness of On-Orbit Servicing Infrastructure for Modularized Earth-Orbiting Platforms,” Acta Astronautica, Vol. 132, pp. 192-203, 2017.

Book Chapters

  1. K. Ho, H. Chen, and T. Sarton du Jonchay, “Chapter 16: Mathematical Methods for Space Mission Planning and Architecture Design,” in The Planning and Execution of Human Missions to the Moon and Mars (edited by M. Poliskie), AIAA, 2023.


  1. Sarton du Jonchay, T. Framework for the Design and Operations of Sustainable On-Orbit Servicing Infrastructure Dedicated to Geosynchronous Satellites (2022). (Doctoral dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology).
  2. Sarton du Jonchay, T. Modeling and Simulation of Permanent On-Orbit Servicing Infrastructures Dedicated to Modularized Earth-Orbiting Platforms (2017). (Master of Science dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).