
Aerospace engineering student Mallika Misra is one of the students named to the 2024 Aviation Week Network’s 20 Twenties class. Every year, Aviation Week Network honors 20 students in their twenties who are on the course to change the face of aviation, aerospace, or the defense industry. Misra is the only Georgia Tech student to receive this honor this year.

She is currently a graduate student conducting research in the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL), where she works with Professor Dimitri Mavris and a team of research engineers on NASA’s Electrified Powertrain Demonstration project, assessing the certification challenges of novel vehicle architectures.

“Mallika has impressed me from the start—both as an undergraduate researcher for the ASDL and in her leadership role with Georgia Tech’s AIAA student branch,” said Mavris, director of ASDL. “I have watched her develop her leadership skills and grow as a researcher as she progressed from an undergraduate to a master’s student. I can think of no one more deserving to join the 20 Twenties 2024 cohort.” For more info click here